Students' Biennale 2021 - Online Edition : States of Disarray: Practice as Restitution


Mrinalini Mukherjee Foundation was delighted to support the 2020-2021 edition of the Students' Biennale, developed by the Kochi Biennale Foundation and the Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art.

The 4th edition of the Students' Biennale was led by a team of five artists and art educators – Adip Dutta, Archana Hande, Manoj Vyloor, Suresh K Nair and Vasudha Thozhur. The curators worked with 315 student artists from over 62 education institutions across India to produce approximately 45 projects.


Due to the challenges posted by the pandemic this edition of the Students' Biennale titled States of Disarray: Practice as Restitution was hosted online at


The projects that are part of the online exhibition have been organised into five viewing rooms on the website — Annals: A Repository, Writings on the Wall, Urban Diaries, Troubled Terrains, and With Grace, the Needle Pierces.